Decided to take on the invisalign experience? Great! Now you can get your teeth aligned without the hassle of having it noticed and not being able to eat and drink what you…
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Digital Technology and Orthodontics
Advances in digital technology have allowed orthodontics to remain effective – yet has made it more comfortable and less time-consuming. Increase in consumer demands, as well as demands in terms of aesthetics,…
Most Common Types of Braces Brackets
Did you know that there are different types of braces brackets to choose from? Orthodontics has come a long way and there are several braces to choose from, depending on the level…
Clear Aligners vs Traditional Braces
Confused about whether to get clear aligners (a.k.a. invisalign) or go for traditional metal braces? Both are good options, but we are here to help you choose which one will work better…
Can Braces Cause Bad Breath
This is one of the main concerns people have when they are about to get their braces. Let us comfort you that no, it will not cause bad breath as long you…
Impacted Wisdom Teeth And Braces: What You Should Know
Impacted wisdom teeth can be painful and impact any orthodontic treatment you get. An impacted wisdom tooth doesn’t always have to be removed, but if your dentist or orthodontist think it can…
How Long Should I Wear My Retainers?
Retainers are designed for you to wear after you have completed your orthodontic treatment. Retainers support your teeth by making sure your teeth remain in their correctly aligned into their new position….
How a Teen’s Smile Affects Their Self-Confidence
People often say that your best accessory is your smile. Unfortunately, many people aren’t confident with their smiles. Teenagers are perhaps the most conscious about not having a smile they’re proud of…
Brushing: Before or After Breakfast?
If there’s one constant debate when it comes to brushing teeth, it’s whether you should brush before or after breakfast. According to experts, you need to brush your teeth twice a day….
Brush First or Floss?
Professionals often say that brushing isn’t enough. If you want to be, you also should learn how to floss. Now the question is, do you brush first or floss first? Should You…