The Advantages of Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment Plan

Parents tend to think twice when orthodontists schedule children for a treatment at a young age. After all, they still have some of their baby teeth. But this normally happens in a two-phase orthodontic treatment plan.

What Is Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment Plan?

This treatment plan starts at a young age when the patient still has some of their baby teeth. Braces may or may not be included in the first phase. But certain appliances are used to prepare the jaw for the second phase.

This ensures the jaw has proper space for the incoming adult teeth. The first phase often starts and finishes from seven to 11 years old. A retainer will be used before the second phase takes place.

The second phase starts when the patient has all his/her permanent teeth. This time, a brace or an Invisalign will be used to fix their smile.

Not every patient must go through a two-phase orthodontic treatment plan. That’s why it’s best to ask your Portland orthodontist about it.


But why should patients go through this two-phase plan? How can it help them in the long run?

Here are the main advantages of this type of treatment:

  • Better chances of proper facial growth
  • Improved function, aesthetic, and overall health
  • Reduces the need for any jaw surgery
  • Reduces the need for possible tooth extraction
  • Better smile
  • Improved airways


Going through the two-phase orthodontic treatment plan is the best plan when it suits you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask your orthodontist. This way, you’re sure how it works and how it can help your child.

Categories: Braces
Jay Dugoni:
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